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Надо. сhange the sentences into the present continuous if possible. make any changes you find necessary. example: he often listens to music. - he is listening to music now. 1. this product contains olive oil. - 2. they repair this tv set every week. - 3. i read a lot of books in the original. - 4.this proverb belongs to the chinese. - 5.he leaves home at 8 every morning. - 6.he seems friendly. - 7.i hear you very well. - 8.he speaks five foreign languages. - 9.she cuts her children's hair. - 10. my family owns this house. -

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. this product contains olive oil. - нельзя использовать в  present continuous

2. they repair this tv set every week. -   they are repairing this tv now.

3. i read a lot of books in the original. -   i am reading a book in the original now.

4.this proverb belongs to the chinese. -  нельзя использовать в  present continuous

5.he leaves home at 8 every morning. -   he is leaving home now.

6.he seems friendly. -  нельзя использовать в  present continuous

7.i hear you very well. -  нельзя использовать в  present continuous

8.he speaks five foreign languages. - he is speaking foreign language now.

9.she cuts her children's hair. - she is cutting her children's hair now.

10. my family owns this house. -   нельзя использовать в  present continuous

1. this product contains olive oil. - глагол to contain не употребляется в present continuous

2. they are repairing this tv now.

3.   i'm reading a book in the original now.

4. this proverb belongs to the chinese. -  глагол to belong не употребляется в present continuous

5.   he is leaving home now.

6.   he seems friendly. -  глагол to seem не употребляется в present continuous

7.   i hear you very well. -  глагол to hear не употребляется в present continuous

8.   he is speaking foreign language now.

9.   she is cutting her children's hair now.

10. my family owns this house. -   глагол to own не употребляется в present continuous

had tidied up ,washed

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