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Use the right forms of the verbs of in brackets to complete the sentences . write them down in the gaps. 1. if the weather (be) fine , we (stay) here longer. 2. i'll do it when sally (come) 3. nobody (go) skiing tomorrow if the temperature (become) low. 4. i (go) to florida with my cousin if nothing (happen) 5. will you help me if you (not, be) busy . 6. they (drive) you to your country house if you (ask) them. 7. as soon as they (arrive) home , i (send) for you. 8. after i (get) some money , i (buy) a new computer. 9. if mary (phone) , i (talk) to her . 10. if it (snow) tomorrow , we (go) skiing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if the weather (is) fine , we (will stay) here longer. 2. i'll do it when sally (comes) 3. nobody (will go) skiing tomorrow if the temperature (becomes) low. 4. i (will go) to florida with my cousin if nothing (happens) 5. will you help me if you (are not) busy? 6. they (will drive) you to your country house if you (ask) them. 7. as soon as they (arrive) home , i (will send) for you. 8. after i (get) some money , i (will buy) a new computer. 9. if mary (phones) , i (will talk) to her . 10. if it (snows) tomorrow , we (will go) skiing.











Все эти предложения представляют собой конструкции пассивного залога в настоящем времени.

Схема построения страдательного залога в Present Simple:

Предмет/человек + am/are/is + 3-я форма неправильного глагола или правильный глагол с окончанием -ed.

Если подлежащее в единственном числе, то выбираем глагола-связку is, а если во множественном числе - то are.

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