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Переведите my favourite season and weather / мое любимое время года и погода there are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way. as for me, i try to enjoy each season of the year. i like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. people often call this period «indian summer». in winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. besides, winter is a time of joy. winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. when spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. summer brings warmth and new joys. my favourite season is summer. as i am a student, i may enjoy my summer holidays. they are always full of fun. the weather is usually fine, it is warm and the days are the longest in the year. i may spend a lot of time with my friends. when it gets very hot, we usually go to the river, sunbathe swim and play different games. sometimes, the weather gets cold. dark clouds bring thunder and lighting and it starts raining. but i like summer thunderstorms, they make the air fresh and we can see a rainbow across the sky. besides, in summer the first fruits and vegetables appear. my favourite fruit is a melon. but i also like peaches, plums and cherries. summer is a really good time for me.

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Моё любимое время года лето. я студент, я могу наслаждаться моими летними каникулами. они всегда полны веселья. погода как правило хорошая, это тепло дней самое длинное. я провёл время с моими друзьями. когда становится жарко, мы обычно идём к реке, загораем, плаваем и играем в различные игры. иногда погода становится холодной. на слове dark я остановлюсь

nowadays you can find dodo nowhere. в наши дни ты нигде не можешь найти додо.

this will take you nowhere. это ни к чему тебя не . 

i could find my keys nowhere. я нигде не могла найти мои ключи.    

ann was nowhere to be seen. анну нигде не было видно. 

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