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Work in pairs. talk as if you are a talk show host and a quest speaking about travelling or a competition. use the information you have just prepared. after a while swap your roles.

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Перевод: работа в парах. говорите как будто ты хозяин ток-шоу и квест, говоря о путешествия или конкуренции. используйте информацию, которую вы только что подготовили. через некоторое время своп ваших ролей.

1)do not run in the room during break. 2)do not speak very loudly. 3)do not argue with classmates. 4)table is not notebook.do not write to it. 5)write to blackboard with chalks,do not make dirty walls with chalk. 6)do not cry in the room.speak normally. 7)clean the blackboard as well 8)prepare for next lesson 9)be calm in the break. 10)do not shout and do not run. 11)do not bring toys and knifes to school. 12)defend everything in your room 13)do not forget it.everything has made by hard work

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