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Оч раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past indefinite или present perfect: 1. i already (to do) my homework. now i can go for a walk. 2. i (to do) my homework yesterday. 3. he just (to come) home. 4. he (to come) home a minute ago. 5. nick (to play) football yesterday. 6. she already (to come) from school. now she is doing her homework. 7. i (to read) this book last year. 8. i (to read) this book this year. 9.1 never (to be) to washington. 10. you ever (to be) tonew york? 11. you ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have already done did has just come came played has already come read have read have never been have you ever have you ever вот это 100%

1. done 2.did 3.came(не 100 %) 4.came 5.played 6.come 7.read(непр.глаг.) 8. will  read 9.was(не 100 %) 10.been(не 100 %) 11.saw

1. the snow is falling outside now .is the snow falling outside now ? 2.who is swimming across the river now ? 3.the sun is shining brightly now . is the sun shining brightly now ? 4.who is playing basketball at the sport ground now ? 5.his father is going on a business trip now . is his father going on a business trip now ? 6.who is putting books into the school-bag now ? 7.what language those men are speaking now ? 8.they are not going to listen to the opera now . are not they going to listen to the opera now ? 9.whom are you waiting for now ? 10.are you gathering mushrooms or berries here now ?

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