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Стекстом прошу надо вставить пропущенный слова их всего 12 слов два слова лишние there is a wise saying a friend in need is a friend in deed and it is true a friend is a person whom you can i think that everyone needs good friends we all need people to laugh and to cry with to go out and play active and board games with and finally to share secrets with these are called friend sometimes your friends become as close to you as time who is reliable who shares the same interests with you who accepts you as you are these people are real after family members these people are those who for you its always good to have real friends we need people who feel happy with our success and sad with our failure always there for you and never ask anything in return except love and friendship сами слова 1 care 2 to have fun with 3 trust 4 pupils 5because 6friends 7shows 8never 9relatives 10they 11people 12always

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1  always 2 trust 3 to have fun with 4 people 5 shows 6  7 friends 8 care 9 because 10 they

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Популярно: Английский язык