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Exercise 1. before reading the text translate the sentences paying attention to the words and expressions in bold. 1. neither the government nor any official is above the law. we are all equal before the law. 2. they are studying law at the university. 3. if something isn’t done soon, farmers might take the law into their own hands. 4. the singer has filed a $100 million lawsuit against his record company. 5. several traffic laws had been broken. 6. it is against the law to park on a double yellow line. 7. the local authority is prepared to prosecute them for breaking the law. 8. local officials are reminding people to obey the law and not sell fireworks to children under 16. 9. the government recognized there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour. 10. the money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ни правительство, ни любой чиновник не могут быть выше закона . мы все равны перед законом. 2. они изучают право в университете . 3. если что-то не будет сделано в ближайшее время , фермеры могут взять закон в свои руки . 4. певица подала $ 100 млн иск против звукозаписывающей компании . 5. несколько правил дорожного движения были нарушены . 6. законом не разрешается парковаться на двойной желтой линии . 7. местные власти готовы преследовать их за нарушение закона . 8. местные чиновники напоминают людям о необходимости соблюдения закона, и не продавать фейерверки детям до 16 лет. 9. правительство признало наличие проблем в городских районах, но это никогда не могло быть оправданием для противозаконного поведения . 10. потраченные на тюрьмы деньги, можно было бы более эффективно потратить на обучение лиц, впервые нарушивших закон, чтобы они могли честно зарабатывать на жизнь .

My school has no uniforms, but there are pros and cons . school uniforms shows discipline students, it is not necessary to think what to wear. cons: shape is not always easy, not always pretty. my opinion, school uniforms is a good idea, but often it is not convenient, it should be trescot . in conclusion, i will say that everyone should have the right, how to dress, but just my school has sports and clubs, though they are not so much. my school has: football, soccer, basketball, floorball and martial arts. clubs: club of fans of history, literature, geography, algebra. everyone will find what he likes. i go to algebra because i love this subject. my opinion is it's good when school may teach different things that will be useful in life!

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