11.12.2020 11:53
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Название какого района москвы 17 в. пропущено в отрывке из документа? вне города, за речкой кукуем, лежит омываемая с другой стороны р. яузой . населена она немцами, голландцами и ливонцами, делится на прекрасные улицы, а окружностью с город здесь четыре кирки - три лютеранские да одна реформатская. вне москвы есть и еще несколько слобод, из коих каждая имеет свое название.

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4,5(23 оценок)


бернгард леопольд франциск. описание путешествия польского посольства в москву в 1678 году

4,7(5 оценок)

1. how many doors. . yesterday?

a) had painted

b) were painted

c) are painted

d) painted

2. his new book. . in every book shop in the town.

a) is sold

b) sold

c) were sold

d) has sold

3. his umbrella. . quite a lot of money.

a) is cost

b) have cost

c) costs

d) was cost

4. some time ago a letter from my brother. .

a) was come

b) has come

c) came

d) come

5. the students. . everything they need for their future profes­sion.

a) teach

b) was taught

c) taught

d) are taught

6. what. . in your language?

a) this film is called

b) is this film called

c) is called this film

d) this film called

7. . to the children on time?

a) were the toys sent

b) did the toys were sent

c) did the toys send

d) was the toys sent

8. the arabic language. . in turkey.

a) not spoken

b) don't spoken

c) isn't spoken

d) don't speak

9. this door. . when there are not many people in the shop.

a) close

b) closed

c) was close

d) is closed

10. . a card to your parents?

a) was you write

b) did you write

c) were you written

d) did you written

test g7 – 2  past perfect

choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1. they. . to live here in 1979.

a) had come

b) come

c) came

d) have come

2. after philip. . his brother to prison, he. . a king.

a) sent, became

b) had sent, became

c) sent, had become

d) had sent, had become

3. i saw that they. . a new car.

a) bought

b) did buy

c) have bought

d) had bought

4. caroline. . school last year.

a) left

b) has left

c) had left

d) leaves

5. we were afraid he. . our address.

a) forgot

b) had forgotten

c) forget

d) has forgotten

6. jack. . without any present because he. . nothing.

a) had come, had bought

b) came, bought

c) had come, bought

d) came, had bought

7. show me a picture of helen. i. . her.

a) had never seen

b) didn't ever seen

c) have never seen

d) never saw

8. when i. . the door, i. . an old lady with a dog.

a) opened, saw

b) had opened, had seen

c) had opened, saw

d) opened, had seen

9. julia looked sad because she. . her favourite cassette.

a) lost

b) had lost

c) has lost

d) was lost

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7th form

test g7-1

passive voice

choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1.  how many doors yesterday?

a) had painted

b) were painted

c) are painted

d) painted

2. his new book in every book shop in the town.

a) is sold

b) sold

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