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1)im ready.-so_i 2)i study six days a week.-so _i 3)i like swimming.-so_i 4)i've been to africa many times.-so_i 5)i had lunch very late today.-so_i 6)i can play the violin.-so=i 7)i will go abroad for christmas.-so_ 8)we've bought a cat! -so_i 9)i have three dogs.-so_i 10)john gets up very early.-so_i 11)i like this weather.-so_jane 12)my cat loves whiskas.-so_mine 13)my mother cooked a chicken.-so_my sister 14)i have read this book.-so_we 15)i have seen crocodiles many times.-so_steve 16)i can speak spanish.-so_they 17)i have a car.-so_alice 18)i like this show.-so_my brother 19)i have some money.-so_we 20)i had a lot of work yeaterday.-so_sam

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1)im ready.-so am i 2)i study six days a week.-so do i 3)i like swimming.-so do i 4)i've been to africa many times.-so have i 5)i had lunch very late today.-so did i 6)i can play the violin.-so can i 7)i will go abroad for christmas.-so will i 8)we've bought a cat! -so have i 9)i have three dogs.-so do i 10)john gets up very early.-so do i 11)i like this weather.-so does jane 12)my cat loves whiskas.-so does mine 13)my mother cooked a chicken.-so did my sister 14)i have read this book.-so have we 15)i have seen crocodiles many times.-so has steve 16)i can speak spanish.-so can they 17)i have a car.-so does alice 18)i like this show.-so does my brother 19)i have some money.-so do we 20)i had a lot of work yeaterday.-so did sam

How i spent my weekends. i have two weekends a week. and i enjoy it. on saturday my mom and i went to the cinema. the film, that we watched named "frosen". i like it very much. then we had meals in "makdonalds". we had two hamburgers and two cups of tea. after that, we came home. with all my family i went to the park. on sunday i got up at 9 o'clock. i had a butter-bread and a cup of hot chocolate. i enjoyed it very much. then my brother and i went to the swimming pool and we swam. i liked my weekends very much.  у меня 2 выходных в неделю. и я наслаждаться ими. в субботу я с мамой ходили в кинотеатр. фильм, который мы смотрели назывался "холодное сердце". мне он понравился. потом мы поели в макдоналдс. мы заказали 2 гамбургера и 2 чашки чая. после этого мы вернулись домой. со всей моей семьей я ходила в парк. в воскресение я встала в 9 часов. я съела бутерброд и выпила горячий шоколад. мне он понравился. потом я и мой брат пошли в бассейн и мы поплавали. мне понравились мои выходные.

Популярно: Английский язык