05.05.2021 09:15
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Двое мальчиков везут третьего на санках, прилагая в направлении движения силы 300 н и 100 н. чему равна равнодействующая сила?

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(70 оценок)

Так как мальчики тянут в одну сторону их силы складываются 300н + 100н = 400н вот и все
4,6(52 оценок)

1.What is your friend?

2. My friend is a teacher, isn't he?

3Is your friend a teacher?

4. What is this?

5. What kind of map is it?

6. What is it?

7. Is that a bad cap?

8 .What kind of cap is that?

9. Whose cup is this?

10. Is it his cup or hers?

11. Where is the match?

12. What is on the table?

13. Where are the matches?

14. The matches are on the table,aren't they?

15. What is her name?

16. Is her name Mary or Bess?

17. Is Bess a good pupil?

18. Who is a good pupil?

19. What kind of pupil is Bess?


Популярно: Физика