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С! раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в настоящем времени. 1. you … (be) a student. 2. we … (be) workers. 3. she … (be) a teacher. 4. i … (be) an engineer. 5. there … (be) a good library at our university. 6. there … (be) many students at the lecture. 7. we … (have) three lectures. 8. the institute … (have) many laboratories. 2. образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных. large, beautiful, old, hot, far, modern, interesting, successful, good, bad.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  1. are 2. are 3.is 4. am 5. is 6. are 7.have got 8. has got 2) large-larger- the largest beautiful-more beautiful- the most beautiful old-older-the oldest hot-hotter-the hotest far-farther-the farthest modern-more modern- the most modern interesting-more interesting-the most interesting successful-more successful- the most successful good-better-the best bad-worse-the worst

My neighbors are always very kind and helpful. often we go to visit each other.sometimes we go to the cinema.rarely, but we are having a picnic.but never have we been on the rides, but over time we will fill this gap.

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