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Iii. напишите следующие предложения по-, употребляя глаголы в passive voice или active voice: 1. я всегда хвалю моих друзей. 2. в прошлом году ее послали в кембридж. 3. когда проверят контрольную работу? 4. об этом фильме много говорили. 5. телеграммы регулярно отправляются. 6. мы часто вспоминаем вас. 7. ковер повесят в гостиной. 8. билеты принесли вчера.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i always praise my friends. 2 she was sent to cambridge last year. 4 this film was talked about a lot. 5 the telegramms are sent regulary. 6 we often remember you. 7 a carpet will be hanged up in the living room. 8 the tickets were brought yesterday.

1i always praise my friends. 2 she was sent to  cambridge last year. 3 when will be  the test checked? 4 they talked a lot about this film. 5 the telegrams are sent regularly. 6 we often recall you. 7 the cover is going to be hung in the sitting-room. 8 the tickets were brought  yesterday.

1. she asked him why he hadn't bought a mobile phone for son . 2. a doctor asked what had happened to the boy's brother. 3.he asked what he needed to get over his illness. 4.i wondered who had said that the boy had been able to do without a mobile phone for some time.

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