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Преобразуйте 1)he said that he (teach) me some basic skating skills the next saturday but disappeared for weeks. 2)at first, i wanted to give the skates to someone else but i (not/can) think of anybody who met both requirements – to be keen on roller skating and to have the same size feet as mine.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) would teach 2) could not 1) он сказал, что в следующую субботу научит меня некоторым основным навыкам катания на коньках, но изчез на недели. 2) сначала я хотела отдать коньки  кому-нибудь, но не могла вспомнить никого, кто бы подходил под оба требования - любовь к катанию на коньках и такой же размер обуви, как и у меня.

1. the coffee smells wonderful. … 2. last year we visited the states. … right. 3. the ship sank because the engineer didn’t call for help until it was already thinking. … 4. the reason i am getting fat is that i am always tasting things while i am cooking. … 5. how is jennifer? has her health improved? … 6. you’re quite right, i completely agree with you. … 7. what did you do after you left school? …right. 8. now i understand what you’re trying to say! …right. 9. i can’t imagine why you believed all those rumors. … 10. joseph was looking forward to a peaceful weekend, when his brother arrived with all his friends from the football club. … 11. philippa heard the results of the election as she was driving to work, so she phoned me when she got there. …right. 12. oh, i’m sorry, i’ve spilt some tea. where do you keep the paper towels? …

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