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Look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space. ► a: there's always something going wrong with this car. b: if you had any sense, you'd have sold it long ago. a) be selling b) have sold c) sell d) sold 1 a: it's a pity the lake wasn't frozen yesterday. b: yes, it is. if it frozen, we could have gone skating. a) had been b) was c) would be d) would have been 2 a: haven't you got enough money for a holiday? b: oh yes. i've got some saved up ………… i suddenly need it. a) if b) in case c) that d) unless 3 a: what are you going to do next year? b: i wish i …………………. the answer to that question. a) knew b) know c) could know d) would know 4 a: these figures are too complicated to work out in your head. b: yes, if ……………………… we had a calculator. a) better b) only c) really d) that 5 a: what are you doing later this afternoon? b: oh, ………………… the game finishes, i'll go home, i expect. a) if b) in case c) unless d) when 6 a: do you think i should take the job? b: you shouldn't do anything……………………… you think it's the right thing to do. a) if b) in case c) unless d) when

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a: it's a pity the lake wasn't frozen yesterday. b: yes, it is. if it b) was frozen, we could have gone skating. 2 a: haven't you got enough money for a holiday? b: oh yes. i've got some saved up b) in case i suddenly need it. 3 a: what are you going to do next year? b: i wish i a) knew the answer to that question. 4 a: these figures are too complicated to work out in your head. b: yes, if b) only we had a calculator. 5 a: what are you doing later this afternoon? b: oh, b) in case the game finishes, i'll go home, i expect. 6 a: do you think i should take the job? b: you shouldn't do anything c) unless you think it's the right thing to do.

1) my friends is organising a birthday party at the moment

2) said is buying a present for his mother.

3) idris and fatima isn't eating ice cream, they are doing


4) amir and i am not watering the trees in the garden,

we are relaxing.

5) i am enjoying the party now

6) my mother am not making a cake, she’s cooking dinner.

7) you aren't getting a birthday present, you are getting

a birthday card.

8) we aren't riding a horse, we are riding a bike.


1) мои друзья сейчас устраивают день рождения

2) сказал, что покупает подарок маме.

3) идрис и фатима не едят мороженое, они делают


4) амир и я не поливаем деревья в саду,

мы отдыхаем.

5) я вечеринкой сейчас

6) моя мама не готовит торт, она готовит обед.

7) вы не получаете подарок на день рождения, вы получаете

открытка на день рождения.

8) мы не едем на лошади, мы едем на велосипеде.

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