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In my tree house. in my tree. there are lots of colours for you see! и так далее, кто знает эту песенку и как правильно ее читать?

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In my tree house, in my tree , there are lots of colours for you to see! red and yellow, green and blue! lots of colours for me and you! in my tree house, in my tree, there are lots of things for you to see! a table, a chair, and a bed, you see, and a radio for you and me! произношение на : ɪn maɪ triː haʊs ɪn maɪ triː ðeər ɑː lɒts ɒv ˈkʌləz fɔː juː tuː siː rɛd ænd ˈjɛləʊ griːn ænd bluː! lɒts ɒv ˈkʌləz fɔː miː ænd juː ɪn maɪ triː haʊs ɪn maɪ triː ðeər ɑː lɒts ɒv θɪŋz fɔː juː tuː siː ə ˈteɪbl, ə ʧeə, ænd ə bɛd, juː siː ænd ə ˈreɪdɪəʊ fɔː juː ænd miː

1. they go to the zoo. - do they? 2. she goes to the zoo - does she? 3. she went to the zoo. - did she? 4. they can go to the zoo. - can they? 5. he likes to the zoo. - does he? 6. she came to the zoo at 3. - did she? 7. they watch monkeys. - do they? 8. she watched crocodiles. - did she? 9. the crocodiles ate meat. - did they? 10. the monkeys saw the doll. - did they?

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