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St petersburg was founded by tsar peter the great in 1703. vladimir was founded by prince vladimir monomakh in 1108. kazan was founded in 1005

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Санкт петербург был построен   в 1703 году, владиир был построен владимиром мономахом(царем) в 1108 году , казань была построена в 1005 году

Санкт петербург был основан царем петром великим в 1703. владимир был основан принцем  (князем) владимиром мономахом в 1108 . казань была основана в 1005.

During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. they can push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries. many of them are not satisfied with their appearance, their families and other things about them. so they often suffer from low self-esteem. as a result teenagers often collide with depression. in order not to feel lonely they tend to join some groups. usually these groups consist of unformal youth. young people think adult life as a life full of freedom, independence and let themselves try "adult things" like drinking or staying out at night.

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