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Complete the sentences . write if these people feel sad or happy . (заполните предложения . напишите если эти люди чувствуют себя грустным или счастливым) 1) john feels happy: he is the winner of the rase . 2)sally : she is visiting mary , her cousin and good friends. 3)ron : he is ill and he is in bed. 4)jane and sue : they are watching their favourite film. 5)mum and dad : they are spending holidays with their children . 6)alice's grandmother : her grandfather is leaving and will stay away for a long time. 7)my friends : they know they are healthy and fit. 8)we all : the test we are writing is too difficult. 9)kate : she enjoys skateboarding with her friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2.fells happy 3.fells das 4.fell happy 5.fell happy 6.fells sad fell happy fell sad fells happy

Свеча-candle; луна-moon; ведро-pail; машина-car; ботинки-boots.

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