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Срус.языка на .язык перевести.! если погода будет хорошей,мы отправимся всей семьей в лес за грибами. мы соберемся семьей и поедем в лес на машине. когда мы приедем ,разделимся по парам и уйдем в лес. позже встретимся и поедем домой. мы хорошо проведем время вместе,в этот прекрасный день.

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Ответы на вопрос:

If the weather is good , we will go with the whole family in the woods for mushrooms . we will meet your family and go into the forest by car. when we arrive , we split into pairs and go into the forest. we meet later and go home . we have a good time together in this beautiful day

i was watching tv last night.

you were running into the depths of the forest yesterday.

she was doing homework at 10 p.m.

he wasn't sitting in a car.

you weren't washing the dishes in the morning.

i wasn't playing game at 3 a.m.

were you making a salad at 12 a.m.?

was he driving a bus?

was she making cookies?

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