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Люди. добрые. 2. по грамматике: selftesti i. закончите предложение, вставив настоящее простое или настоящее длительное время, раскрыв скобки. 1. you ’/are breathing) hard. sit down and rest for a while. 2. dolphins and whales are mammals. they /are breathing) air. 3. fred has just left. he /is going) to his biology class right now. 4. he /is going) to biology class twice a week. 5. in our area, it /is raining) a lot in march. 6. it /is raining) right now? and i don’t have my umbrella. 7. we /are dancing). is the music too loud for you? 8. we / are dancing) every day. it’s a good exercise. 9. the telephone /is ringing). could you answer it, please? 10. the telephone /is ringing) during dinner every evening. 11. greg and tim /are sharing) a house this semester, but tim wants his own place soon. 12. bill and sue are very close. they (share/are sharing)all their thoughts. 13. warm air /is rising). cool air /is falling). 14. look at that balloon. it /is rising) very fast. oops! i guess it popped. now it /is falling). 15. karen /is taking) a shower. can she call you right back? 16. she /is taking) a shower in the morning after she /is exercising).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  are breathing 2.  breathe 3.  is going 4.  goes 5.  rains 6.  is raining (если без вопр. знака, если же вопрос - должно быть так:   is it  raining now? )7.  are dancing 8.  dance 9.  is ringing 10.  rings 11.  share 12.  are sharing 13.  rises   falls 14.  is rising   is falling 15.  is taking 16.  takes   exercises

1. hello 2. that's all 3. anything else? 4. how much is the dress? 5. here you are насчет 2 не уверен, но скорее всего так.

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