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Ответьте на вопрос: what makes money valuable?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Given the freedom of choice and possibilities satisfying basic instincts and social

For the money a person buys a variety of items: food, clothes in general, self-sufficient. money serve as a mediator, so to speak, in the trade. without money, no trade

1)          the first group – denudation and deposition – includes the processes which act on the crust or at or very near its surface… the first group – denudation and deposition – doesn't include the processes which don't act on the crust or at or very near its surface…2) such processes are essentially of internal origin. - such processes are not essentially of internal origin. 3) the processes of external origin are specifically maintained by the radiation of heat from the sun. - the processes of external origin are not specifically maintained by the radiation of heat from the sun.4) both groups of processes operate under the control of gravitation (including attractions due to the sun and the moon)…. - both groups of processes don't operate under the control of gravitation5) …the processes which act within or through the crust, as a result of the physical and chemical activities of the materials of the substratum (or mantle) and of gases and magmas in the crust or passing through it. - the processes which don't act within or through the crust,

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