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Опишите какого либо персонажа из мультфильма на вот пример: (фред флинстон высокий, с лишним весом, у него густые прямые волосы. у него маленькие уши и большой нос. его брови густые)

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Fred flinstone tall, overweight, had thick straight hair. he has small ears and a big nose. his bushy eyebrows. ( это перевод, но возможен такой вариант: ) fin guy tall and thin. he wears a blue suit, white cap and green rukzak. he was always accompanied by a dog. (фин парнишка высокий, худой. он носит голубой костюмчик, белую шапочку и зеленый рукзак. его всегда сопровождает собака.) как-то ☺


Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal  living in Loch Ness in Scotland.

The animal is about 50 metres long including its tail. Nobody knows anything about its  eating habits. There are some photos of the animal taken by different people  visiting the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real.

This animal given the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourists attractions to the  area for years. Expeditions sent to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so  did individuals looking for the animal. But there has been no result yet.

Nessie is still a great mystery. Very few things known about Nessie are: it has a long and  thin neck like a giraffe’s, its head is quite small and looks like a horse’s, its colour is dark yellow and its  habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake.

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