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С, , 1. используйте правильную форму глагола. when i was a i used to go/used to gone on a hike with my mum and dad every weekend. i used not to visit/didn’t use to visit any faraway places. i didn’t used to read/didn’t use to read fantasy. we use to spent/used to spend summer in the country. children used to wear/used to wore ugly uniforms at school. i used disliked /used to dislike sightseeing. children use to were/used to be friendlier. 2. перепишите предложения, использовав used to в нужной форме. example: she was a science teacher. she isn’t now. — she used to be a science teacher. 1.we didn’t have a dishwasher when i was little. 2. jim played in the team last year. he doesn’t play anymore. 3. i knew few famous people. now many of them are my friends. 4. my granny enjoyed knitting. now she prefers outdoor activities. 5. my skin looked pale in spring. now i’m sun-tanned. 6. my sister doesn’t live with us anymore. she got married and moved to paris.

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Ответы на вопрос:

When i was a i used to go on a hike with my mum and dad every weekend. i didn’t use to visit any faraway places. i didn’t use to read fantasy. we used to spend summer in the country. children used to wear ugly uniforms at school. i used to dislike sightseeing. children used to be friendlier.  1.we didn’t  use to  have a dishwasher when i was little.  2. jim used to play in the team last year. he doesn’t    play any more.  3. i  used to  know few famous people. now many of them are my friends.  4. my granny  used to  enjoy knitting. now she prefers outdoor activities.  5. my skin    used to  look pale in spring. now i’m sun-tanned.  6. my sister doesn’t    use to  live with us anymore. she got married and moved to paris. 

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