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1. i search / wonder how difficult the maths test tomorrow will be. 2. it's nearly the end of term / mark, so it will be the holidays soon! 3. could you revise / remind me to take this book back to the library? 4. carl is a computer brain / expert. why don't you ask him to fix your computer? 5. rosalind is a really smart / talented musician, but she doesn't practise enough.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. wonder 2. term 3. remind 4. expert 5. talanted

ответ: Это план как ты хочешь провести выходной! Надеюсь я ответила правильно :)


My weekend plan will be active.

1. I plan to have a picnic with friends, because the weather outside is improving.

2. To help the fights, as well as to visit the grandmother.

3. Be sure to do some lessons and repeat what you learned earlier.

4. Rest and gain strength for the next week for new conquests of future material.

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