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Перевести на . а то в онлайн переводчике времена не правильные. мои каникулы прошли хорошо, но не особо интересно. новый год я встречала с друзьями, а остальную часть каникул провела с родственниками. к нам в гости на каникулы приезжал мой младший брат. все каникулы я смотрела фильмы, готовилась к экзаменам, гуляла. в конце каникул я была в гостях у старшей сестры. у нее мы делали пиццу и роллы. в последний день каникул я приготовила уроки и собрала портфель.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My holidays were good, but not particularly interesting. i met new year with my friends and the rest of the holidays i spent with my relatives. m y younger brother came to visit us for the holidays. during the vacation i watched  movies, revised for exams and went walking. at the end of the holidays i went to a party to my elder sister's. she made  a pizza and rolls for us. on the last day of the vacation i did my homework and packed my schoolbag.

My holidays went good, but not that interesting. i celebrated new year with my friends, and other part of holidays i spent with my relatives. my younger brother came to visit us. during the holidays i watched films, prepared for exams, walked. at the end of holidays i visited my elder sister. together we baked pizza and cooked rolls. at the last day of holidays i prepared lessons and my school bag.

1. what does she do before breakfast? 2. does she want have for breakfast? 3. what does he do in the evening? 4. what time does she get up?

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