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Изменить прямую речь на косвенную 1. the teacher said, "we shall see a new film tomorrow" 2. "don't you eat ice-cream at all, mr, drake? " mrs. green asked 3. "go and get me a sheet of a paper", he said to me 4. "will you try once more? " she asked me 5. i asked, "are you ill, jack? " 6. "when did you meet him last? " my brother asked 7. "our office will be moving to a new building", the secretary said 8. "are the browns going to buy a car? " he said 9. "this article will appear in the newspaper tomorrow", he said to me 10. i asked him, "was your secret message sent to them? " 11. the man said "do you like tea or coffee? " 12. you said to me the other day "i shall write the book in 6 months" 13. mary asked: "tom, when are shops closed on saturday? " 14. "will it be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather doesn't change for the better? " we asked the guide 15. "roger and david went to the station an hour ago" their mother said

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1  the teacher said we would see a new film tomorrow.  2 mrs. green asked mr.drake if he didn`t eat ice-cream at all. 3 he told me to go and get him a sheet of paper. 4 she asked me if i would try once more. 5  i asked jack if he was ill. 6 my brother asked where i had met him. 7 the secretary said that out office would be moving to a new building. 8 he asked if the browns were going to buy a car. 9 he told me that article would appear in the newspaper the next day. 10 i asked him ig his secret message had been sent to them. 11 yje men asked if i liked tea or coffee. 12 you said to me the other day you would write the book in 6 month. 13 mary asked tom when shops are closed on saturday. 14 we asked the guide if it would be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather didn`t change for the better. 15 mither said that roger and david had gone to the station an hour ago.

In our days everybody knows what the word “america” means. first of all it is the name of the country – the united states of america – or just america. and then america is the name of the two continents – north america and south america. these two continents,  christopher columbus discovered america in 1492. this is a song that many children learn about christopher columbus and his journey to america. we don’t know much about the man. he was born in italy but lived in spain for a long time. he was a seaman and made many sea voyages. in 1492 the king and the queen of spain gave him money to go to india. people began to speak about the land as “the new world”.

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