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С. vocabulary.what can people do when they celebrate different holidays? combine the words from two boxes. box1: choose,colour,cook,decorate,light,eat,exchange,hang,have,make,raise,send,sing,watch,wear,wrap. box2: cakes,a choice of fasty food,costumes,eggs,fireworks,a flag,electric lights,greetings cards,the house,parades,song,parties,presents,pudding,stokings,the cristmas tree.

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Colour eggs cook pudding decorate christmas tree, house light fireworks eat a choise of fasty food exchange presents hang stockings have parties make cakes raise a flag send greeting cards sing songs watch parades wear costumes wrap,choose presents

1pork 2 spinach 3 pretzel 4 неверно написано 5 tangerine 6 aubergine 7 sausage 8 parsley 9 prawn

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