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Проверьте , если что не так то укажите ошибки ! 2.put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: 1. i saw you dancing (you/dance) and i’ll never be the same again. 2. i saw he wasn’t right (he/not be right) but i didn’t feel like arguing. 3. i heard he came in closed the door and creeped (he/come in/close the door and creep) upstairs. 4. i feel in my bones he hates me (he/hate me). 5. i hate dancing but i enjoy watching others doing (do) it. 6. she smelled something was cooked (something/cook) in the kitchen. 7. i saw he has stolen (he/steal) money from meg’s purse. 8. i felt she took (she/take) the wallet out of my pocket, and grabbed her hand. 9. she will make me to do (make/i/ do) it, i swear, i will make to do (make/do) it, i will be forced to do (force/do) it! 10. they never let the children to go out (the children/go out) so late. it’s no use trying, the kids won’t allow to come (let or not allow? /come) with you. 11. she can get him to do (do) anything she will think of, he’s head over heels in love with her. 12. have him doing (do) the cleaning, the room is a mess. 13. i don’t allow my husband to smoke (smoke) in the bedroom. - i don’t allow smoking (smoke) in the house at all! 14. we were advised to choose (choose) the radisson but i wouldn’t recommend staying (stay) there – it’s so expensive! 15. my parents have always encouraged me to study (study) hard but in this school they just encourage cheating (cheat). 16. i consider it is (it/be) a waste of time. 17. i didn’t expect he was (he/be) so rude. 18. i’m waiting for you to return (you/return). 19. i believe he to be (he/be) a promising musician. 20. i don’t want to misunderstand (misunderstand). 21. we have arranged for the flowers to deliver (deliver) tomorrow. 22. i have arranged for him to see (see) one of the best neurologists in the country.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i saw you dancing and i’ll never be the same again. 2. i saw he wasn’t right but i didn’t feel like arguing. 3. i heard he came in closed the door and creeped upstairs. 4. i feel in my bones he hates me 5. i hate dancing but i enjoy watching others doing it. 6. she smelled something was being cooked in the kitchen. 7. i saw him stealing (или he stole) money from meg’s purse. 8. i felt she was taking the wallet out of my pocket, and grabbed her hand. 9. she will make me do it, i swear, i will make it done, i will be forced to do it! 10. they never let the children go out so late. it’s no use trying, the kids won’t be allowed to come with you. 11. she can get him to do anything she will think of, he’s head over heels in love with her. 12. have him do the cleaning, the room is a mess. 13. i don’t allow my husband to smoke in the bedroom. - i don’t allow smoking in the house at all! 14. we were advised to choose the radisson but i wouldn’t recommend staying (stay) t 1. i saw you dancing (you/dance) and i’ll never be the same again. 2. i saw he wasn’t right (he/not be right) but i didn’t feel like arguing. 3. i heard he came in closed the door and creeped (he/come in/close the door and creep) upstairs. 4. i feel in my bones he hates me (he/hate me). 5. i hate dancing but i enjoy watching others doing (do) it. 6. she smelled something was cooked (something/cook) in the kitchen. 7. i saw he has stolen (he/steal) money from meg’s purse. 8. i felt she took (she/take) the wallet out of my pocket, and grabbed her hand. 9. she will make me to do (make/i/ do) it, i swear, i will make to do (make/do) it, i will be forced to do (force/do) it! 10. they never let the children to go out (the children/go out) so late. it’s no use trying, the kids won’t allow to come (let or not allow? /come) with you. 11. she can get him to do (do) anything she will think of, he’s head over heels in love with her. 12. have him doing (do) the cleaning, the room is a mess. 13. i don’t allow my husband to smoke (smoke) in the bedroom. - i don’t allow smoking (smoke) in the house at all! 14. we were advised to choose (choose) the radisson but i wouldn’t recommend staying ( there – it’s so expensive! 15. my parents have always encouraged me to study hard but in this school they just encourage cheating 16. i consider it is a waste of time. 17. i didn’t expect he was (him to be так лучше если это учительница ваша позволяет) so rude. 18. i’m waiting for you to return. 19. i believe he is a promising musician. 20. i don’t want to be misunderstood +твой вариант тоже подойдет). 21. we have arranged for the flowers to be delivered tomorrow. 22. i have arranged for him to see one of the best neurologists in the country.here – it’s so expensive!

snow leopard, or irbis is listed in the red book as "endangered" 

irbis belongs to poorly studied species. the habitat of the snow leopard includes parts of the territories of 13 states: afghanistan, burma, bhutan, india, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, china, mongolia, nepal, pakistan, russia, tajikistan, uzbekistan. among big cats the snow leopard is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands, and represents the majestic, mysterious and harsh world of the mountains of central asia. the survival of this rare cat in severely disturbed and degrading mountain ecosystems is extremely difficult or even impossible, so the preservation of viable populations of the snow leopard is inevitably associated with effective protection of its habitat as a whole. also in the mountains there is an active poaching and hunting for the skins of these beautiful animals.

снежный барс, или ирбис занесен в красную книгу как «находящийся под угрозой исчезновения».  

ирбис принадлежит к слабо изученным .место обитания ирбиса включают в себя части территорий 13 государств: афганистана, бирмы, бутана, индии, казахстана, киргизстана, китая, монголии, непала, пакистана, россии, таджикистана, узбекистана. среди крупных кошачьих ирбис - единственный постоянный обитатель высокогорий, олицетворяет собой величественный, загадочный и суровый мир гор центральной азии. выживание этой редкой кошки в сильно нарушенных и пришедших в упадок горных экосистемах крайне затруднительно или невозможно, соответственно сохранение жизнеспособных популяций ирбиса неизбежно сопряжено с эффективной охраной среды его обитания в целом.также в горах идет активное браконьерство и охота за шкурами этих прекрасных животных.

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