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Выберите подходящую форму глагола в скобках и переведите на язык 1.they (be) in their office. 2. they (speak) to john. 3. we (go) to a concert. 4. all of the students (read) the text carefully. 5. he (bring) his friend to the party. 6. frank (take) a course in english last year. 7. you (make) several mistakes in the last exercise. 8. i (drink) two cups of coffee at breakfast today. 9. mr. berg (speak) to the teacher right after class. 10. we (find) miss stewart's key under a chair. 11. mr. johnson (put) all of the paper's in his briefcase. 12. mr. harris (tell) the students the answer to the question. 13. the wilsons (buy) a new house in newark. 14. mr. and mrs. wilson (sell) their old house at a low price. 15. charles (leave) california four days ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.are-находятся, 2.speak-разговаривают 3.go-идем 4.read-читают 5.bringes-взял 6.took-проходил 7.-made-делал 8.-drink-выпиваю 9.-spoke-разговаривал 10.find-нашли 11.-put-кладет 12.- на вопросы студентов 13.-buy-купил 14. свой старый дом за низкую цену 15. калифорнию 4 дня назад.

1. i enjoy cleaing the house every monday morning .

2. it's monday lunchtime and i have cleaned the house already .

3. i think most of the houses in my street are cleaned at least once a week .

4. my mother says my father thinks the house is cleaned by magic .

5. my friends arrived while i was cleaning my room .

6. in the future , houses will be cleaned by robots .

Популярно: Английский язык