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На . the oldest scientific zoo in the world. based in london, april 27, 1828 as a zoological collection intended for scientific research. 1847 opened to the public. one of the largest zoological collections in the united kingdom. administratively subordinated created in 1826, the zoological society of london. located in the north of regent's park on the border between the districts of westminster and camden. на рус. старейший научный  зоопарк в  мире. основан в  лондоне  27 апреля 1828 года  в  качестве зоологической коллекции, предназначенной для научных исследований. с  1847 года открыт для публичных посещений. одно из крупнейших зоологических собраний в  соединённом королевстве . административно подчинён созданному в  1826 году зоологическому обществу лондона. расположен в  северной части риджентс-парка  на границе между районами  вестминстер  и  камден.

The parliament of the uk consists of the queen, the house of lords, and the elected house of commons. the uk is a constitutional monarchy, which means that the powers of the monarch are limited by the country’s constitution. there are two types of bills: private bill and public bill. the executive branch of power is represented by the cabinet and ministers of crown and government departments.

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