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Нужны слова на тему спорт вот к примеру что бы было так : hi (хай ) -

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Ответы на вопрос:

Physical education (p.e) - (пи-и) - культура. sports section (спортс секшэн) - спортивные секции. athlete (этлэйт) - спортсмен. basketball (баскэтбол) - баскетбольный мяч. sprinter (спринтэр) - бегун. easy lifter (изи лифтэр) - лёгкий атлет. hockey player (хоккей плэер) - хоккеист. a hialthy lifestyle (э хилси лайфстайл) - здоровый образ жизни. karate (карате) - каратист\карате (секция) sports stadium (спортс стэдиум) - спортивный стадион.


1. Now a days ,Advertising is important because it plays a very crucial role in customers life as every product that customers buys only after they are made aware of the products available in the market.Through Advertising customers come to know about the Pricing,quality, features ,quantity/

2.Paid search advertising

Social media advertising

Native advertising

Display advertising  

Print advertising

Broadcast advertising

Outdoor advertising

3. (я про рекламу еды)

On the one hand, this advert has many disadvantages. Firstly, it convinces children to buy and eat unhealthy food.Secondly, even adults cannot resist  to buy advertised food.Eating junk food leads to stomach problems and heart diseases.  many people have to waste time on it instead of watching useful programmes.

On the other hand, junk food advert should be allowed. To begin with, people get little time for cooking. Junk food is a good solution in this situation. In addition, fast food is not expensive.      

4. food, services, items for the home.

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