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Iii. раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. there (1 — be) many ways of (2 — get) to know people and their country. one way (3 — be) to get a job there. my friend and i (4 — think) it (5 — look) just what we (6 — dream) of for the summer holiday in england. we (7 — can) improve our english, and it not (8 — cost) us anything, and we probably (9 — make) enough money (10— have) a week or two in london at the end.in june we (11 — set) off for sonnybrook fruit farm in east anglia. we (12 — find) the farm building, but there (13 — be) no one about. we (14 — knock) on the door of the farmhouse, it (15— open) by a woman. we (16 — explain) to her what we (17 — come) for. then we (18 — take) to a low white building which (19 — be) our accommodation. we (20 — be) to pay 20 pounds per week for this and food. there (21 — be) other students too, from different countries. they (22 — tell) us a lot of things. they (23 — say) there (24 — be) not enough work for everyone, and you (25 — have) to be up early if you (26 — want) to work. the next day we (27 — come) to the farmyard by 7. that day we (28 — be) lucky. we (29 — send) to pick strawberries. some of the others who (30 — pick) strawberries before (31 — tell) us what to do. we (32 — start) working. after i (33 — work) for five minutes i (34 – get) a backache, but i (35 – keep) on (36 – work). we (37 – work) hard till twelve when we (38 — have) an hour off for lunch. by that time i (39 — pick) thirteen boxes and my friend (40 — do) fourteen.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Were, get, was, thought, looked, dreamed, could, cost,   made, had, set, found, was, knocked, opened, explained, came, took, was, were, were, told, said, were, have, want, came, were, sent, picked, told, started, was worked, got, keet, working, were have, had picked, did.

my name is i'm going to tell about my weekend. i had a good time. i walked with my friends. it was so fun. also i watched two exciting films. and of course i did my homework. 


не стал использовать сложные временные формы, ибо 5й класс. надеюсь, с:

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