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Раскрой скобки yesterday )home late.2./come). he is in the room now.3.я никогда его не видел. i /see) him.4.я не видел его сегодня. i /see)him today.5./see)him yesterday.6.я не видел его на этой неделе. i /see)him this week.7.он никогда не был там. /be)there.8./ in 2003.9.я никогда не жил на ферме. i (never/live)on a farm.10.i )on a farm when i was five.

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1came 2has already come 3have never seen 4haven't seen 5didn't see 6haven't seen 7has never been 8wasn't 9have never lived 10lived

Hi, mary my holiday in italy was great.firstly i didn`t like it because i didn`t know anyone there.but after some days i got used to.the climate in italy is mild and a bit hot sometimes.i`ve visited a lot of places,you have to see them too.the italy is very exciting because it is the country of hot weather,wine and passion.there are about 20 regions in italy and they have differences between each other.in fact,if you visit just  one of the regions you can`t say you`ve been to italy.the traditional meal of italy is pasta.the like it very much.it`s made of spagetti and sauce.i visited many sightseeings like colizei,hystorical centre of ciena,st of great petr,pizan and etc.i enjoyed it!

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