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Come little leaves by george cooper “come, little leaves” said the wind one day, “come over the meadows with me, and play; put on your dresses of red and gold; summer is gone, and the days grow cold.” soon as the leaves heard the wind’s loud call, down they came fluttering, one and all; over the brown fields they danced and flew, singing the soft little songs they knew. dancing and whirling the little leaves went; winter had called them and they were content- soon fast asleep in their earthly beds, the snow laid a soft mantle over their heads. ,переведите!

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Прилетайте маленькие  листочки -ветер зовёт над лугами полями со мною в полёт одевайте наряды свои багряные лето ушло пришла зима нарядная вскоре  услышали   громкий звук ветра и сразу же развеялись все метко над коричневыми полями они летали и танцевали и пели песенки , которые они знали танцуя и кружась листочки летали зима их позвала и они упархали вскоре крепко заснули в своих земных кроватках и снег лежал мягким покрывалом над их головами

1) what are you doing? 2) i am translating the song. 3) do you often translate songs? 4) how often do you translate? 5) i often translate one song a day. 6) for how long have you been translating songs? 7) i've been translating songs since i started learning english. 8) have you translated any songs today? 9) yes, i have translated one song today. and i am going to translate one more song tomorrow. 10) when will you be translating tomorrow? 11) i will be translating for the whole day. 12) when will you translate this song? 13) i had already translated it when you rang me. yesterday i was translating it all day.

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