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Report what they said or asked . don't forget to chsnge the words this , these , here ,today , now , yesterday , last , ago. 1) m a r g a r e t : i have already read this book. 2) t o n y : we have met here before. 3) a l e c : they are having lunch now. 4) f r e d : we have not seen these comedies. 5) p o l l y : i have had breakfast today. 6) g r e g : they drove to their club an hour ago. 7) v i c t o r : we bought a cute puppy yesterday. 8) m i k e : my family was travelling a lot last year. 9) c h a r l e s : i finished my story last sunday. 10) k e v i n : we spoke to him two days ago.

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4,6(66 оценок)

1) m a r g a r e t  said that she had already read that book. 2) t o n y said that they had met there before. 3) a l e c said that they were having lunch at that moment. 4) f r e d said that they had not seen those comedies. 5) p o l l y said thar they had had breakfast that  day.6) g r e g said that they had driven to their club an hour before. 7) v i c t o r said that they had bought a cute puppy the day before. 8) m i k e said that his family had been travelling a lot the previous year. 9) c h a r l e s said that he had finished his story the previous sunday. 10) k e v i n said that they had spoken to him two days before.

If i'm not mistaken вот так: )

Популярно: Английский язык