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Перевести на (без программ): если бы я была ученым, я была изобрела робота, который находил бы потеренные вещи, готовить ужин и ухаживать за детьми и стариками. он знал бы китайский, и языки. он был бы похож на человека. его бы любили дети и взрослого. робот понимал бы человеческую речь и умел общаться с людьми. я думаю, что многие люди мечтают о таком роботе.

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if i was a scientist, i was invented the robot which would find the lost things, helped to make a dinner and to look after children and old men. he would know the chinese, english and russian languages. it would be similar to the person. it would be loved by children and the adult. the robot would understand human speech and was able to communicate with people. i think that many people dream of such robot.

please help meto translate into english(withouttitles): if i were ascientist, ihadinventeda robot thatwould befoundpoterennyethingshelpedmake dinnerandtake care of childrenand the elderly.he would knowchinese, englishand russian.he would belike a man.he would havelovedchildren andadults.the robotwould understandhuman speech andwas able tocommunicate with people.ithink that manypeople dream ofsuch arobot.

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