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Ответить 3) the text contains different mistakes: 2 — in grammar, 4 — in spelling. correct the mistakes and rewrite the text. (текст содержит разные ошибки: 2 — грамматические, 4 — в правописании. исправьте ошибки и перепишите текст): i always go to the swiming pool with my trends. we get there by bus, as a rule. sometimes i takes my brother with us. we usualy spending two hours there. everything is always alright, becouse everybody is easy to get along with.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Граматичні: 1. i take, а не i takes, тому що закінчення -s- і -es- до дієслів, тільки тоді, коли є 3 особа однини. 2. spend, тому що, якщо є "usually", то значить, що це present simple, а закінчення -ing- додається в present countinion. в правописі: 1. swimming - відбувається подовження. 2. friends . 3. usually 4. because

We go to our school sports club on mondays,  thursdays and saturdays. i like swimming  very much. i prefer to spend all my free  time in the swimming pool. i want to become the best  swimmer in our club. my friend  paul likes running  best of all. he is the  runner in the club. carla and mark  jump high.  they are the strongest jumpers in our club. linda likes tennis a lot.  she is the best tennis player  in our club.

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