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Задать вопрос и ответить на вопросы 1. how old your sister(to be) ? (25) 2. what he(to be) ? ( a computer programmer) 3. what it (to be) ? ( a deer) 4/where you (to be) from? (spain) 5. what your father (to be) ? (an economist) 6. where they (to be) from? (india) 7. what his cousin(to be) ? (30) 8. what this animal(to be) ? ( a hedgehog)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) how old is your sister? my sister is 25 years old 2)what he is? hi is computer programmer 3)what is it? it is a deer 4) where are you from? im from spain 5) what is your father is? my father is an economist 6)where are they from? they are from india 7) не так должен возможно: how old is his cousin? his cousin is 30 8) what this animal is? it is hedgehog

Have you been losing your weight recently? has she been leaving work late all this week? have they  been swimming twenty lengths today? has he  been writing his essay all morning? have you been having  second thoughts about accepting the job?

Популярно: Английский язык