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Перевести на . лучше иметь одно хорошее платье, чем много плохих. я сама тебе позвоню ровно в шесть. она молода, полная, среднего роста, со светлой кожей и тёмными волосами. у неё длинные ресницы и полные губы. я тебя с ней познакомлю, как только смогу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

It is better to have one good dress than a lot of bad.i'll call you at six o'clock. she is very young, full, of medium height, with fair skin and dark hair. she has long eyelashes and full lips. i'll introduce her as i can.good !

It is better to have one good dress than a lot of bad. i'll call you at six o'clock. she is very young, full, of medium height, with fair skin and dark hair. she has long eyelashes and full lips. i'll introduce her as i can.

1. i drive drive but my sister cycles. 2. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 3. the prime minister travels abroad in his own private aeroplane. 4. it costs $ 20 million to be a space tourist for one week in the international space station. 5. the european commission meets in brussels. 6. my dad reads two books every week. 7. i understand geography more than science. 8. my favourite tv programme starts at half past ten. 9. the teachers at our school give us lots of homework. 10. we like swimming because it's fun and good exercise.

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