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From the necessary detivatives from the words on the right and complete the sentences.1.a trip to the mountains was a indeed.(excite)2.clouds appeared in the sky.(differ)3.what is the two organizations? (connect)4. a person who is at the head of the country,who governs it.(rule)5.most scotland are called scots.(live)6.what do we call the columbus? (discover)7.the the sea were really enjoying themselves.(swim)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1exciting 2 different 3 connection 4 ruler 5 living 6 discovered 7 swimming

1.a trip to the mountains was a very exciting  idea indeed.(excite) поездка в горы была действительно интересной идеей. 2.clouds of different shape appeared in the sky.(differ) в небе появились облака различной формы. 3.what is the connection  between the two organizations? (connect)  какая связь между этими двумя организациями? 4. a ruler  is a person who is at the head of the country,who governs it.(rule)  руководитель (правитель, вождь) - это человек, который стоит во главе страны, кто ею. 5.most people living  in scotland are called scots.(live)  большинство людей, проживающих в шотландии, называют(ся) шотландцами. 6.what do we call the continent discovered  by columbus? (discover)  как мы называем континент, который открыл колумб? 7.the children  swimming in the sea were really enjoying themselves.(swim)  дети, купающиеся в море, были довольны (получали удовольствие).

We drank tea / We didn't drink cofee

John ate chocolate / He didn't eat ice-cream

They drove a car / They didn't drive a tractor

He lost the money / He didn't lose the wallet

We had a picnic / We didn't have a party

He gave her a present / He didn't give her a card.

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