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Задайте к данным предложениям по три вопроса: общий, и два специальных. обращайте внимание на время сказуемого в предложении. ( задавать специальные вопросы нужно к выделенным словам) 1) he was doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday. 2) our group wins games every month 3) she will be writing the test at 10 o"clock tomorrow

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he was doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday.was    he     doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday.? when was he doing his homework ? what was  he doing  from 6 to 8 yesterday? 2) our group wins games every monthdoes our group win games every moth? which group does win every month? what does our group win evry moth? 3) she will be writing the test at 10 o"clock tomorrowwill she be  writing the test at 10 o"clock tomorrow? what will she be doing  at 10 o"clock tomorrow? what will she be writing  at 10 o"clock tomorrow?

1.разделительные 2. общие 3. специальные

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