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Вставьте пропущенные слова good (2), fit. keeps. healthy. difficult. easy. useful 1) he always regular hours. 2) it is an question. 3)jane always eats food, she thinks it is very for her. 4) alex is at swimming. 5)i couldn t do it. it was very .6) it is very to know english. 7) it is good to keep .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) keeps 2) easy 3) good  healthy 4) good 5) difficult 6) useful 7) fit

Keeps easy healthy useful good difficult good fit

My name is Mikhailova Elena Dmitrievna. I live in Cheboksary. I study at the Nizhny Novgorod State University of engineering and Economics. (Тут не путай с Present Continuous). I am a student first-year of the group nineteen FROM. My mom's name is Olga Valentinovna Mikhailova, she is a doctor of technical sciences, and she is also works at the Nizhny Novgorod State University of engineering and Economics. (Тут принадлежность, т.е моя мама имеет имя (has)). My father's name is Mikhailov Dmitry Vladimirovich, he works at the bakery in Cheboksary. I also have brother, my brother's name is Yaroslav. He is special guy (можно сказать и boy) since he was diagnosed with autism :(.  I also have a lot of Pets, a dog and four cats. Now, they are all at the dacha, together with their mother and brother in connection with the coronavirus. I really like learning from you. ​

Как-то так. Без переводчика и своими словами ;)

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