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Выберите правильный ! we this film before. i can't remember when. a. saw b. have seen i think they . there's a car outside. a. have arrived b. arrived i him at a conference last year. a. have seen b. saw mary usually phones me on fridays, but she last friday. a. didn't phone b. hasn't phoned i four cups of coffee today. a. drank b. have drunk i was very tired, so i to bed early. a. have gone b. went

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  have seen2. have  arrived3. saw4.  didn't phone5. drunk6. went

1. no, he can't 2. no, i can't 3. yes, they can 4. no, she can't 5. yes, it can 6.no, it can't 7. yes they can

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