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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в present simple: 1. he (to drink) coffee in the morning. 2. i (not to drink) coffee in the evening. 3. they (to like) dairy products. 4. we (not to like) meat dishes. 5. my mother (to go) shopping on sundays. 6. she (not to do) her homework. 7. mike usually (to have lunch) at 12 o*clock. 8. you (to cook) well? 9. we always (to eat) healthy food? 10. she (to do) shopping every day?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he drinks coffee in the morning. 2) i don't drink coffee in the evening. 3) they like dairy products. 4) we don't like meat dishes. 5) my mother goes shopping on sundays. 6) she doesn't do her homework. 7) mike usually has lunch at 12 o'clock. 8) do you cook well? 9) do we always eat healthy food? 10) does she go shopping every day? вообще present simple легкое время в языке. почитай правила, и ты поймешь : ) удачи

1. when we got off the train it (was raining) heavily. 2. the summer of that year was cold. it often (rained). 3. the weather was foggy. cars and buses (were mov ing) slowly. 4. while i (was pack ing) my things, he (rang) up for a taxi to take me to the station. 5. the house was quiet. the boys (were play ing) chess and mary (was read ing) a book. 6. when did you (see) him last? 7. i (bought) this guide book in london. 8. in 1990 he (was) in siberia with a group of volunteers. they (were mak ing trails) in one of the national parks there. 9. who (was speak ing) over the phone at five o'clock yesterday. i couldn't get through for an hour. 10. the whole family (was watch ing) a detective film on tv when i (came) home. 11. i (looked) into the window and (saw) an old woman (sitting) by it. the picture (took) me back to my childhood. 12. ships (travelled) from southampton to new york in four or five days in those times. 13. i (called) the dog but it would not come. it (was digg ing) something at the far end of the garden. 14. it was hot and stuffy. i (was driv ing) to my parents' house. i (turned) on the air-conditioning but it did not (work). 15. when i (was go ing) down the library steps i (saw) that my friends wait ing for me across the street.

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