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Перевод ! the book of "do it yourself" lots of people have already bought bill hawk's super new book. they've saved themselves a lot of money. mr brown repaired the roof of his house himself. "we decorated the whole house ourselves," say the greens. the smiths put in central heating. "i asked myself why not? " said mr smith. "i put in a new bath myself," says mr swan. mrs. hunter says: "we wanted a garage." a friend said: "why don't you build it yourself? " he showed us the book. so we did it ourselves. now we feel really pleased with ourselves!

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Книга "сделай это сам" много людей уже купили билл ястреба супер новая книга. они себе кучу денег. мистер браун отремонтировал крышу своего дома сам. "мы украсили весь дом сами", - говорят зеленые. кузнецы положили в центральное отопление. "я спросил себя, почему бы и нет? - сказал мистер смит. "я поставлю новую ванну себе", - говорит господин лебедь. миссис хантер говорит: "мы хотели гараж". подруга сказала: "почему бы тебе не сделать это самому? " он показал нам книгу. так что мы сделали это сами. сейчас мы чувствуем себя собой довольные!

2) Rob is going to see film with Billy on Tuesday.

3) Rob is going to clean room on Wednesday.

4) Rob isn't going to computer fair with Dylan on Thursday.

He's going to a barbecue.

5) Rob is going to visit cousins on Friday.

6) Rob isn't going to buy new printer on Saturday.

He's going to wash car.

7) Rob isn't going to play computer games on Sunday.

He's going to hand out with Sally.

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