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Azoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. these are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. a visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational  зоопарк является местом, где живут различные животные, рептилии, млекопитающие, насекомые и птицы. иногда там можно увидеть редких животных. обычно зоопарки не содержат или сельскохозяйственных животных, но иногда встречаются детские площадки с такими существами, как ослики, мини- лошади, овечки, гуси, свиньи, кролики и даже фазаны. это отдельные территории, где дети могут погладить животных и покормить их. посещение зоопарка может быть как развлекательным, так и поучительным.

Dear katy and paul! i'm so grateful to you for doing this! i'm sure my friend won't take a lot of your time. his name is brandon, and he has never been to london before. in fact, he hasn't visited britain either. therefore, i would be really thankful if you could organise some show-around for him to get to know the city. he is going there on business, so he'll be spending most of the time in various business-centres. he is due to arrive on the 10th of november, and he's going to spend a week in the city. but i'd also like you to show him some traditional sights of london - big ben of course, st. paul's cathedral, the in fact, it's up to you to choose. his occupation is connected to architecture, so probably it would be enough for him to fall in love with the city right after the first stroll. brandon is a very calm and intelligent person, and i'm completely sure london will make an amazing impression on him. i'm really happy that you're helping me. i'll send him your email asap. see you soon! lots of love, philip

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