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Заполнить пропуски was.wasn t,weren t ,were .wy friends the zoo yesterday --at school.

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My friends weren't at the zoo yesterday. they were at school

Про бухгалетра to begin with, acounting is very modern occupation.  accountants are needed everywhere, such specialists wouldn't be without a work ever. what is more, all  accountants have a wide range of knowledge:   in law, economics, management and so on. for the great majority of people accounting is boring and  tedious, but i don't agree.  i don't understand how can the work be considered boring  by  someone, if it requires concentration and application of mental effort! thinking isn't boring at all. accounting develops mathematical abilities. it is very clear from these observations that accounting has more  advantages than disadvantages. so i think that soon i will do the accounting profession my  own.

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