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1. образуйте множественное число существительных: например: baby-babies fly, cry, baby, hero, potato, wife, life, knife, man, woman, sky, zero. 2 . образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных: например: good-better-best short, cold, wild, early, big, near, late, fast, small, old, nice, young, kind, long, quick, easy, far, difficult. 3 . запишите обозначение времени словами: например: 8.30- it is half past eight 8.00, 5.35, 6.30, 7.18, 3.15, 4.25, 2.16, 6.40, 7.50, 3.45. 4 . составьте пары противоположных слов: например: black-white far, get up, small, near, go to bed, large, come, to, black, go, from, white, open, tall, shut, old, short, young, work, leave, go for a walk, stay, winter, hot, morning, summer, cold, evening, rest, stay at home. 5 . образуйте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения: i have a sister. 2. they have a vet. 3. he is a pupil. 4. they are teachers. 5. these are workers. 6. this is a vet. 7. kate has three brothers and a sister. 8. there is a pen on the desk. 9. mike likes to go in a bus. 10. they have a school. 6 . вставьте в предложения is,are и задайте вопрос к предложению с вопроситетельным словом 1. four chairs round the table. (how many) 2. one rooms in the their flat. (how many) 3. a piano near the wall. (what) 4. fifteen french books on the shelf. (how many) 5. a big balcony in his flat. (what) 6. a sideboard on the left of the door. (what) 7. two arm-chairs near the balcony door. (how many) 8. gas in her flat. (is there) 9. a big square table in the centre of the room. (what)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)flies; cries; babies; heroes; potatoes; wifes; knifes; lifes; mans; womens; skies; zeroes. 2)short shorter shortest; cold colder coldest; wild wilder wildest; early earlier earliest; big bigger biggest; near nearer nearest; late later latest; fast faster fastest; small smaller smallest; old older oldest; nice nicer nicest; young younger youngest; kind kinder kindest long longer longest quick quicker quickest; easy easier easiest;   4)far- near; get up - get down; small big; near - far; go to bed - come to bed; to-from; black - white; go - come; from - to; white- black; open - close; tall - short; old young; work - rest; leave - stay; winter - summer; hot - cold; 6) 1.are 2.is 3.is 4 are 5.is 6.is 7.are 8.is 9.is  1.how many chairs are there  around the table? 2.how many rooms there is in a flat? 3. what is near the wall? 4. how many are there french books on the shelf? 5. what is in his flat? 6. what is on the left of the door? 7. how many are there arm chairs near the balcony door. 8 is there a gas in her flat? 9. what is there in the centre of the room?

Уменя есть друг.его дружим с детстсва.он добрый,отзывчивый.мы вместе играем,ходим друг другу в гости.иногда ссоримся,но быстро миримся.мы с ним настоящие друзья.

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