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2. complete the text, choose the right forms of the verbs and write them last summer richard (1 go) to london. he wanted (2 become) a university student. he (3 take) some bags with a lot of food with him. at the university richard (4 can, not) answer any questions. he (5 think) they all (6 be) difficult. richard (7 become) very sad and unhappy. he (8 decide) to leave for his home town. he (9 choose) to go by bus. he (10 talk) a lot on the bus and (11 come) home tired. he (12 have) all the bags with food with him but no money.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. went 2. to become 3. took 4. couldn't 5.thought 6. were 7. became 8. decided 9. chose 10. talked 11. came 12. had

1. went 2. to become 3, took 4. couldn't 5. thought 6. were 7. became 8. decided  9. chose 10. talked 11. came 12. had

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