Грамматика. , , вставить слово в правильной форме. 1) the legend tells us that about three thousand years b.c. a chinese empress, while taking her tea, out of curiosity dipped the cocoon of a silk worm into it and learnt how to unwind the fine thead of silk of which it (compose) 2) it was nearly five thousand years later that a frenchman, (experiment) with the crushed leaves of the mulberry tree, on which the silk-worm feeds, found out how to produce a fine silk-like filament which we now call artifacial silk. 3) his discovery (stimulate) other scientistists to search for new fibres, and it was not long before several more were 4) it is only in the last sixty years that man (succeed) in synthesizing new fibres from inorganic materials.

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1. composes 2. experimenting 3. stimulated 4. succeeded

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A.Complete the sentences with used to, didn’t used to or did… use to according to the context. 1. We

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