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Спереводом! я из россии. я живу в великом новгороде. это-самый старый город. новгород- зеленый и красивый город.он между петербургом и москвой. это удобно. в городе есть много кафе, магазинов, банков,школ, спортивных центров, музеев и театров. у нас есть два кинотеатра, 2 бассейна, 2 больших парка. возле парка находится старый кремль. он красивый. мы любим гулять там. в городе есть много церквей. много туристов посещают наш город. я люблю мой город. я думаю, что он-самый лучший город.

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I'm from russia. i live in veliky novgorod. it's the oldes russian city. novgorod is a greenand very beautiful city. it's located between st.-petersburg and moscow. it's very comfortable. there're many cafes, shops, banks, schools, sport centres, museums and theatres in the city. there're two cinemas (можно еще написать "movies" как американский вариант), two swimming pools,two large parks. there's an old kremlin near the park. it's very beautiful. we like to walk there. there're a lot of churches in the city. many tourists visit our city. i lovy my city. i think it's the best one.

1)the bomb was left  in the city centre last night. 2)   the private lives of politicians are discussed by   press. 3)   the criminal  have been  arrestedand and habe been  charged him with assault by police. 4)   invited the representatives of two parties for the discussion were invited by  the parliament 5)   the plan was approved  for the construction of a new hospital  the governmen. 6) letters have been posted. 7)   a new plan are being discussed. 8) the car was being repaired by him. 9)   he wasrepresented  with a medal by the queen. 10)   their work had been finished  by the time.

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